Category Archives: funeral home

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Eco-Friendly Cremation Options: How Green Burials are Changing the Funeral Industry

There has been a noticeable shift in societal attitudes toward death and the subsequent rituals of funerals and burials in recent years. As our consciousness about environmental sustainability grows, more individuals gravitate towards eco-friendly cremation options. This rising interest in ‘green’ funerals is significantly changing the funeral industry, particularly in places like funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH, where the community is increasingly embracing these eco-friendly practices.

Understanding the Concept of a Green Burial

A green burial refers to laying the deceased to rest, which minimizes environmental impact. This involves a departure from the traditional embalming process, which often involves potentially harmful chemicals that could seep into the ground. Instead, green burials involve the use of biodegradable caskets or shrouds. These are typically made from sustainable materials like bamboo, willow, or cardboard. Instead of a traditional cemetery, many green burials occur in natural burial grounds or conservation cemeteries, where the body can return to the earth in the most natural and eco-friendly way possible.

The Emergence and Acceptance of Eco-Friendly Cremation

Eco-friendly cremation, also known as water cremation or aquamation, offers an alternative to traditional cremation, which can release harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This process, known as alkaline hydrolysis, uses water and potassium hydroxide to reduce the body to bone ash. The remaining liquid is sterile and can be safely returned to the water cycle. This method significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with cremation. This eco-friendly cremation option is gaining popularity and is slowly becoming the norm in many funeral homes.

The Profound Impact of Green Burials on the Funeral Industry

The rise in demand for green burials and eco-friendly cremations has profoundly affected the funeral industry. Funeral homes are adapting their practices to cater to these evolving desires. This adaptation includes eco-friendly options such as biodegradable urns and caskets, natural burial grounds, and energy-efficient crematoriums. These changes represent a significant shift in the industry, with many funeral homes seeing the value in offering these services not only as a business strategy but also to help families honor their loved ones respectfully and environmentally consciously.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OHThe Future of Funerals: A Sustainable Perspective

The future of funerals looks set to continue this trend toward environmentally friendly practices. As awareness grows and the demand for green burials and eco-friendly cremations increases, funeral homes will continue to adapt and innovate. This commitment to sustainability is not just about meeting current trends but is a forward-thinking approach to addressing future needs and environmental responsibilities.

As we conclude, it’s evident that green burials and eco-friendly cremations are more than just a passing fad. They represent a significant shift in societal values and how we view end-of-life rituals. In light of this, Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home is committed to meeting this growing demand for eco-friendly funeral options. If you’re considering a green burial or eco-friendly funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH, contact us. Together, we can explore your options and learn more about how we can help honor your loved ones in a way that respects and cherishes our environment.

funeral homes in Waite Hill, OH

A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning a Cremation Service

Losing a loved one is challenging, and planning a cremation service can feel like an overwhelming task amidst grief. However, proper guidance can make this process more manageable, and that’s where this step-by-step guide comes in. This guide is mainly aimed at assisting where the need for trustworthy funeral homes in Waite Hill, OH is keenly felt.

Step 1: Decide on Direct or Full-Service Cremation

The first step is to decide between a direct or full-service cremation. A direct cremation happens shortly after death, without a funeral service beforehand. It is typically a more economical choice but doesn’t allow for a traditional gathering or viewing. On the other hand, a full-service cremation includes a traditional funeral service before the cremation process. This allows friends and family to come together, share memories, and say their goodbyes, which can be a critical part of the grieving process.

Step 2: Choose the Right Funeral Home

Choosing the right funeral home is a vital step in the cremation planning process. You want a provider who understands your needs, respects your loved one’s wishes, and supports you throughout this difficult time. Look for funeral homes with a good reputation, a range of services, and a compassionate approach. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about their procedures, pricing, and how they can accommodate your needs and requests.

Step 3: Personalize the Cremation Service

Personalizing the cremation service can offer comfort to the bereaved. This could mean choosing a unique urn that reflects the personality or passions of the deceased. You might also plan a unique memorial service – from a traditional gathering in a place of worship to a more informal celebration of life in a place significant to your loved one. Deciding on a meaningful final resting place is also part of this step, whether in a family plot, a columbarium, or even scattered at a place with special meaning.

Step 4: Understand and Manage the Costs

Cremation costs can vary widely, so it’s essential to understand what’s included and manage your budget effectively. Many funeral homes provide clear pricing information and can help you navigate financial concerns. Be sure to ask about the costs of optional services, such as obituaries, memorial services, and keepsake urns. Remember, balancing honoring your loved one with what is financially feasible for you and your family is essential.

Step 5: Seek Support and Take Care of Yourself

Finally, perhaps most importantly, seek support and care for yourself during this time. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is incredibly difficult, and it’s essential not to neglect your emotional health. Reach out to friends, family, or a professional counselor for support. Many funeral homes offer grief resources and can connect you with local support groups.

Consider joining a grief support group, either in-person or online. These groups bring together people who are going through similar experiences and can provide a safe space to share feelings, advice, and encouragement. Some people also find solace in reading books about grief and loss, which can offer insights and coping strategies during this challenging time.

Step 6: Handle Your Loved One’s Affairs

When you feel ready, there will be practical matters to attend to, such as handling your loved one’s possessions and finalizing their affairs. This can be a significant task, so don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends, family, or a legal advisor. Remember to take this process at your own pace – there’s no need to rush.

funeral homes in Waite Hill, OHAs you navigate this difficult time, remember to care for yourself and reach out for support when needed. Planning a cremation service can be challenging, but with the proper assistance, it can also be a path toward healing.

If you’re looking for reliable funeral homes in Waite Hill, OH, consider the services of the Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home. With a compassionate approach, a wide range of services, and a deep understanding of your emotional journey, we are here to help during this difficult time. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and how we can support you through this journey.

funeral homes Mentor OH

Things to Avoid at a Funeral

A funeral at funeral homes Mentor, OH is an event where you need to be at the best of your behavior. You need to avoid certain things that might be considered in regular settings – but not in a funeral.

But often, it’s difficult to know what to avoid when we’re under stress. And that’s why we are here with a brief guide on what should you NOT do at a funeral service:

1. Avoid Showy Clothes

Never attend a funeral in shiny or too-showy clothes. It is a somber event that demands the utmost respect from all the guests. You are there to remember the deceased, not to make a fashion statement. Remember that this funeral is not about you.

Try to be as simple as possible. If confused, dress in black. What is appropriate funeral attire can vary on numerous factors, including the wishes of the deceased.

2. Avoid Taking Phone Calls Unless It’s Urgent

It’s best to switch off your phone during the funeral – or at least, turn down the volume. Listening to your call phone is often considered a disrespect to the deceased. It upsets the people near you.

In many funerals, organizers request people to turn their phones off before the service begins.

3. Avoid Laughing

Stating the obvious, you should avoid laughing at all costs during the service. No one expects you to break down in tears throughout the service, but laughing is not acceptable. It gives a message of disrespect and total disregard for the bereaved family and other guests.

It’s OK to enjoy a chat with people at a funeral and you might even have something amusing to share. But control your emotions and save the laughter for some other time.

4. Don’t Bring Uninvited Guests

It’s best to avoid bringing any guests with you to a funeral service unless they knew the deceased well. This service is extremely important for the bereaved family and a particular person’s presence might be upsetting for them.

If you still want to bring someone, it’s best to check first if you’re not sure.

5. Don’t Complain

Never complain about the proceedings of a funeral service. This is a stressful time for the family and they, of all people, want it to be perfect. If you think a particular service can be done better, then better keep the idea to yourself or wait until it’s the appropriate time.

Most people around you are very upset and it’s best to take their feelings into account as well.

funeral homes Mentor OH6. Don’t Yawn

If anything, funerals aren’t supposed to be fun and exciting. They can be long and boring for some guests. And you can feel too bored during the service to start yawning. Avoid it at all costs as somebody close to the deceased might take offense at seeing somebody yawn.

Be sure to keep yourself involved with the service to help prevent boredom from setting in. Generally, funerals are not very long, so you won’t have to spend hours holding back your tiredness at funeral homes Mentor, OH. Contact the professionals at Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home today.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Planning a Funeral Service of A Child

Should you plan a service at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH? The question that no parent or caregiver would ever want to hear. Just the thought of arranging the funeral for a toddler gives overwhelming pain. But dealing with the final services of a child is an unfortunate reality that thousands of parents have to face every year.

At the same time, it’s also important to arrange the final services of a baby in a way that best honors the lost child as well as help parents cope with grief.

If you or your family member has to arrange a funeral for a baby, then consider the below tips to get started:

1. Choose the Funeral Type

First of all, decide whether you want a burial funeral, or cremation. Factors like family traditions and the opinions of your immediate family are going to affect this decision. But choose what best meets your needs and fits into your budget.

Depending on your choice, you’ll have to shop for a casket, for burial, or an urn for storing cremation ashes. Your funeral director also provides various options that fit your budget. You can personalize a casket or an urn with meaningful messages, images, or symbols.

2. Choose a Venue

After that, you’ll have to make after the death of your child is choosing what kind of service you want to arrange and how large. Most Christian families tend to host a traditional funeral in a church and invite close friends and family. While many prefer a more intimate and private gathering at a meaningful location to mourn the loss.

Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to grieve your lost child. Both memorial and funeral services are meant to honor your child with close ones and expedite the healing process.

3. Burial Clothing for the Child

Unless you’re barred by religious traditions, you can choose any clothing for the lost baby and additional personal items you want to be buried with them. Many parents tend to bury items like a blanket or a toy as a memento that the baby enjoyed or played with during life.

You can choose to bury family photos, hand-written letters of love, or hand-drawn pictures by siblings. Knowing your baby isn’t alone there is going to give your comfort and peace of mind.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH4. Additional Services You Should Consider

You can discuss with your funeral director about various options available to customize the funeral and make it more memorable.

Music: Playing popular music along with instrumental songs and traditional hymns can bring an element of emotion to the ceremony. However, listen to the lyrics carefully before finalizing your selection and if your ceremony is religious, talk with your religious leader and take them on board.

Readings: Almost all kinds of funerals, religious or not, include readings. In a religious ceremony, families choose to have scriptures and other excerpts from a religious text read by a member of the clergy or any friend or family member.

While in non-religious services at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH, people prefer to read poems, story passages, quotes, or even child songs.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Funeral Service on Budget

Funerals at funeral homes Mentor, OH can be expensive, depending on what services you choose. But that doesn’t mean you cannot arrange a memorable last service for your loved one without spending a fortune.

Below are some creative ideas to plan an affordable funeral. But remember that you won’t be able to follow all these tips in a single service, so choose the ones that suit your circumstances and wishes.

1. Explore All Your Options

Rule #1, never make a decision in haste. Before choosing what’s best for your loved one, be sure to go through all your options, like whether to select burial or cremation, which casket or urn to buy, what to serve to the guests, and so on.

Ask your funeral director to give you recommendations to make the service more memorable. Sit back, think about each option, and decide what meets your budget. This will save you from expensive mistakes.

2. Shop Around

Call up the funeral homes in your area and ask for pricing. Not only it will give you an idea about the prices of different services and products, but it will also help you decide if the funeral home is the right fit. If the prices are snippy or not so transparent, start looking for other options.

Try to hit the local market and get prices for the services you want. Also, explore online options and assess if you should buy from the funeral home or outside.

3. Negotiate to Get Discounts

Don’t shy from bargaining with the funeral home manager to keep costs to a minimum. It’s their job to make arrangements that suit your needs, and they can help you best when they know what you want.

Simply asking for the prices of different items may help you get better rates on certain products or services. But be reasonable. The funeral director and staff need to earn a living.

Another simple idea for saving money is asking for an itemized price list in advance of all the services you will be purchasing. Often, funeral homes offer a complete funeral package that also includes the services you don’t even want. Get a quote for individual services to ensure you don’t have any surprise charges tacked on.

funeral homes Mentor, OH4. Keep Obituary Brief

An obituary is a death notice that you post in the local newspaper to inform the local community about the loss and the funeral details. It also highlights key phases and achievements of the departed soul,

Remember that newspapers often charge per word for the obituary. Make it short for big savings. Or post the obituary online with a free memorial website to save money.

5. Preplan Your Service

Want to save your loved ones from the hassle of spending lots of money on your final services? Start preplanning for your own funeral. Not only you can start paying for the services you want, but it also gives you the chance to celebrate your last services at funeral homes Mentor, OH, as you wanted without overburdening the family.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH

Planning the Committal Service

Wondering what exactly is a committal service and how it is different from a regular funeral at funeral homes Waite Hill, OH? And how do you plan a perfect committal event for a lost loved one? Here’s everything you need to know about committal service to get started.

What Is a Committal Service?

In simple words, a committal service is simply a graveside service. Just before lowering the deceased into the ground, close friends and family gather together and say a few words of tribute and prayers. This will be the final goodbye for the family and should be treated with dignity and respect.

Traditionally, the committal service is held immediately after a funeral service. It is a brief event that takes around 15-20 minutes. Note that you can have a committal service with no separate funeral or memorial at all.

How to Plan a Committal

While your funeral director will give useful tips on how to plan a perfect committal service, here are a few common things you should know about:

1. Choose a Burial Site

First, you need to buy a plot in the cemetery, if you haven’t already. Want to save some money? Check with cemetery offices to see if someone is trying to sell a plot. Generally, you manage to purchase it for less from an individual.

Else, get the plot from the cemetery.

2. Arrange for Burial Arrangements

You need to contact the sexton or caregiver, who is responsible for handling all the necessary details for the ceremony. The person will dig the grave and also fill it, a process called “Closed”. Setting up the tents and chairs is his responsibility.

Want to personalize the event? Bring flowers or a photo memorial board and set it up. You may ask the funeral director to arrange it.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH3. Plan the Service

Generally, you need a pastor or a minister to officiate the service. Ask your funeral director to get you in touch with an officiant and discuss details with them, like what Scriptures you want to have read. The officiant will also want some information so that he can write a short eulogy.

Note that hiring a registered officiant is not compulsory. You can ask a family member or friend to lead the service. Or you can also ask the funeral director to say some words.

Many families wish to have friends and family step up and speak for a minute at the service, offering one last tribute to the departed soul. If you also love this idea, be sure not many guests speak for longer than a couple of minutes each. The committal service is supposed to be a short event, ranging hardly half an hour.

4. Other Considerations

It is always a good idea to check the weather on that particular day and time. Rain, heat, wind, snow, and cold can be deterrents to having this type of service. Also, get recommendations from funeral homes Waite Hill, OH, about how to make the event more memorable.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Funeral Crowdfunding

With record-breaking inflation around the world, funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH can get quite expensive – especially if the loved one died a sudden or unexpected death. Taking care of all the funeral arrangements within a short period can be a little too much for many middle-class families.

Many people don’t prepare or set aside money to cover this expense, leaving the whole burden for the left ones. Many families, resort to funeral fundraising to give the last sendoff to the deceased.

What is Funeral Crowdfunding

If you use social media, you are probably already familiar with the term ‘Funeral Crowdfunding.’ In simple terms, crowdfunding pertains to the donation of money by the general public to support a family bear the expenses of funeral services.

Even though funeral crowdfunding is a fast-expanding industry and helps needy families, it has some major downsides. Below is a short list of some of the problems you might face when setting up crowdfunding for the funeral expense of a loved one:

1. Taxation Issues

Donations gathered under funeral crowdfunding are considered gifts and don’t fall under the ambit of taxation. But some donations that found national attention can reach millions of dollars and catch the attention of the IRS.

That’s why crowdfunding websites are mandated to inform the IRS if donations for a funeral exceed $20,000 or get more than 200 contributors. And unsurprisingly, the administrator of the campaign can get a big tax notice and face legal complications.

2. You May Not Get Enough Funds

Since burial funerals can easily cost thousands of dollars, any fundraising campaigns fail to drum up enough money to bear the expenses.

It can be even tough moments for the bereaved if the campaign earns half or even less expenditure as they have to arrange for the remainder of funds within a short bracket of time.

3. Beware of Funeral Homes’ Ripping Customers Off

Funeral homes often take advantage of grieving customers and charge exorbitant prices for their services. If a campaign manages to earn sufficient funds, it encourages funeral homes to upsell services. That is, they charge overpriced services to match the donations.

4. The Whole Funeral Crowdfunding Story Might be Fake

There is no way of knowing if a story on social media is true and if money is going to the bereaved family. Many families have also been found to lie about the total funds collected and keep apportion of the funds as profit.

Funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OHThe ease of setting up a fundraising campaign coupled with a lax procedure to authenticate its veracity compels crooks to initiate a fake campaign and solicit money out of people’s pockets.

These funds have an equal probability of being misused. And there’s no brainer that most of these campaigns fail to achieve the desired target.

All these points prove that it’s best to preplan your funeral service and start saving for it not tomorrow but today. This will save your family from a lot of hassles when the time for funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH, comes.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH

Why Do Funeral Rituals Matter

Funeral homes Waite Hill, OH have gone through a lot of changes in the last few decades. During this time, funeral traditions have changed quite a lot, but the primary rituals have somehow remained the same.

Regardless of your faith or the socio-cultural traditions you follow, funeral rituals hold a special status in our lives. If you’re having doubts about the very need or importance of following specific funeral rituals, we have some convincing reasons in store for you.

Give it a read and find out how funeral rituals can help the grieving family navigate through the grief journey.

1. Offer One Last Tribute to the Deceased

Funerals carry immense importance not just for the surviving family, but for the departed soul as well. It gives the family a chance to offer a perfect send-off to the loved one, the one they deserve for the wonderful life they have spent.

The funeral traditions and related services you arrange for them remind them of their contributions. We think of our relationship with the deceased, the moments we shared – both, good and bad – with them, and how they sparked a positive change in our lives.

And more importantly, you get to fulfill their last wishes one last time.

2. Get Emotional Support from Loved ones

The very purpose of a funeral service is to express your grief and sorrow to your loved ones and the community. They are public statements asking “Come, Stand By Me” and unsurprisingly, your family and friends voluntarily choose to support you, sympathize with you, and don’t let you feel alone and isolated.

You get hope and confidence by seeing your friends and family around you during the lowest phase of your life. And is probably the most powerful aspect of arranging funeral ceremonies.

3. Adapt to the New Reality

Funeral rituals are vital to helping the bereaved accept the reality of death and that the loved one has gone forever. During funeral services, you get enough time and space to process the loss and slowly, adapt to the changed reality.

Purposeful funeral ceremonies also offer a gentle understanding of the divine reality for the visitors as well. When they see the dead body lowing into the casket for one last time, they are made to think about the inevitable end of man.

4. Start the Healing Process

Research shows that arranging funeral traditions begin the healing process for the bereaved. Meaningful traditions help us transition from “Mind Understanding” to “Heart Understanding” and we are left with no option but to embrace the pain of loss.

Knowing that you have fulfilled their last wishes and given a perfect send-off brings comfort and solace. Also, grief counselors argue that it’s absolutely normal to grieve or cry over the loss as it helps our defense system to expedite the healing process.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH5. Unite the Community

Rituals are expressions of our values and beliefs that are meant to bring people together. Visiting a person who is mourning a loss of a loved one and extending both moral and sometimes financial support develops a true sense of community spirit around funeral homes Waite Hill, OH.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH

Tips for Coping With Loss

Dealing with loss and funeral homes Waite Hill, OH can be very difficult. The feeling of not getting a chance of saying one last goodbye can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.

But life continues to move on. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind while coping with the sudden death of a loved one.

1. Don’t Hide Your Emotions

Grief can be extremely overwhelming and can make you feel alone and depressed. It’s necessary to share your emotions with loved ones and seek emotional support.

As the adage goes: if you can’t feel it, you won’t heal it. Hiding your feelings and emotions have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. Talk to a friend you trust or a priest and let the pain out.

Shedding a few drops of tears or getting a shoulder to cry on will make you feel slightly better as well as lighten your heart and mind.

2. Indulge in Healthy Activities

Try spending time on your favorite activities, be it eating, exercising, or getting extra sleep. It takes your mind from the tough thoughts and memories of the deceased and gives you enough time to think of all the positives in life.

Psychologists say that one can catalyze the healing process by indulging in activities that make one happy.

3. Honor the Deceased

Look for ways to celebrate the deceased and reminisce about the golden time spent with them. You can arrange a family dinner, invite close friends and family, and cook the favorite meals of the deceased. Ask the guests to share something about the lost loved one.

Similarly, you can arrange a music celebration and play their favorite songs whenever you miss them. Create a playlist of songs that you used to listen to together, as it will help you channel your emotions and feelings in a more healthy way.

4. Seek Support from Friends and Family

Never isolate yourself or restrict social interactions or start taking medications or drugs to relieve pain. It further plunges you into depression. Try to spend time with close friends and family, particularly the ones who care about you.

Seek as much assistance as offered and be open to sharing your feelings with them, you’ll get comfort and solace.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH5. Don’t Hold on to the Grief

Try to stick to your normal routine, as the deceased would also want you to move forward and adapt to the new reality. Let your pain out and give all the energy and crying it needs and return to normalcy.

Hiding in loneliness won’t do any benefit to the lost loved one or to yourself. The grief process starts even before you contact funeral homes Waite Hill, OH.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Debunking Myths About Preplanned Funerals

The last few years have witnessed an increase in the trend of individuals planning their final disposition at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH. Doing so helps them to communicate their wishes with the family members to get a deserving end-of-life celebration.

But unfortunately, many individuals have unfounded generalizations about preplanned funerals. The reason is people tend to avoid discussing funerals or their traditions for obvious reasons. After all, who would like to talk about death?

Let us kick some common myths related to pre-planning a funeral out of the park.

1. Only Old People Preplan

The outbreak of corona pandemic further highlighted the reality that no one can predict death. Never put preplanning off until tomorrow what you can do today while you’re fit and healthy and can make pragmatic decisions.

Because of this reason, many young people plan their funerals even if they believe the death is years in the future.

2. Only Low-Income Families Preplan Their Funerals

A common misconception is that financial issues convince people to go for funeral preplanning. They tend to minimize the burden on their families once they die. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

While the financial aspect is a popular factor for funeral planning, it’s not the only reason. Most people who preplan their funerals are not under any financial strain when and they rather want to have the final service their own way.

When you preplan your funeral and share every single detail of how it should go, the family is in a better position to honor all your desires.

3. I don’t have Enough Time to Preplan

Preplanning doesn’t take much time, and if anything, it is worth your time just as an exercise, higher education, and office work. If you’re too busy in your work routine, just think of all the things you want in your after-life celebrations and how you want the bereaved to remember you.

Start writing down your wishes and think of all the ways you can personalize the event without overspending your budget. You don’t have to do it all at once. Take your time to make pragmatic choices.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH4. Only You Can Decide How You Want to be Celebrated

No matter how close you’re to your family, only you know yourself the best when it comes to your final wishes. You may have told them some of your wishes, such as if you want to be buried or cremated, but a funeral service entails a lot more than you might think.

Once you start jotting down the details and digging into your preferences, you realize the importance of various events associated with a funeral service. The things that might seem irrelevant to you at first become important, particularly in today’s funeral industry, where you have a plethora of options to personalize your final disposition.

Now, the next step is to get in touch with a professional funeral director and start preplanning your funeral, not tomorrow, but today. It will make sure all your final wishes are fulfilled while your family has one less thing to worry about at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH.