Funeral homes Waite Hill, OH have gone through a lot of changes in the last few decades. During this time, funeral traditions have changed quite a lot, but the primary rituals have somehow remained the same.
Regardless of your faith or the socio-cultural traditions you follow, funeral rituals hold a special status in our lives. If you’re having doubts about the very need or importance of following specific funeral rituals, we have some convincing reasons in store for you.
Give it a read and find out how funeral rituals can help the grieving family navigate through the grief journey.
1. Offer One Last Tribute to the Deceased
Funerals carry immense importance not just for the surviving family, but for the departed soul as well. It gives the family a chance to offer a perfect send-off to the loved one, the one they deserve for the wonderful life they have spent.
The funeral traditions and related services you arrange for them remind them of their contributions. We think of our relationship with the deceased, the moments we shared – both, good and bad – with them, and how they sparked a positive change in our lives.
And more importantly, you get to fulfill their last wishes one last time.
2. Get Emotional Support from Loved ones
The very purpose of a funeral service is to express your grief and sorrow to your loved ones and the community. They are public statements asking “Come, Stand By Me” and unsurprisingly, your family and friends voluntarily choose to support you, sympathize with you, and don’t let you feel alone and isolated.
You get hope and confidence by seeing your friends and family around you during the lowest phase of your life. And is probably the most powerful aspect of arranging funeral ceremonies.
3. Adapt to the New Reality
Funeral rituals are vital to helping the bereaved accept the reality of death and that the loved one has gone forever. During funeral services, you get enough time and space to process the loss and slowly, adapt to the changed reality.
Purposeful funeral ceremonies also offer a gentle understanding of the divine reality for the visitors as well. When they see the dead body lowing into the casket for one last time, they are made to think about the inevitable end of man.
4. Start the Healing Process
Research shows that arranging funeral traditions begin the healing process for the bereaved. Meaningful traditions help us transition from “Mind Understanding” to “Heart Understanding” and we are left with no option but to embrace the pain of loss.
Knowing that you have fulfilled their last wishes and given a perfect send-off brings comfort and solace. Also, grief counselors argue that it’s absolutely normal to grieve or cry over the loss as it helps our defense system to expedite the healing process.
5. Unite the Community
Rituals are expressions of our values and beliefs that are meant to bring people together. Visiting a person who is mourning a loss of a loved one and extending both moral and sometimes financial support develops a true sense of community spirit around funeral homes Waite Hill, OH.