Monthly Archives: February 2023

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH

Tips for Coping With Loss

Dealing with loss and funeral homes Waite Hill, OH can be very difficult. The feeling of not getting a chance of saying one last goodbye can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.

But life continues to move on. Here are a few tips you should keep in mind while coping with the sudden death of a loved one.

1. Don’t Hide Your Emotions

Grief can be extremely overwhelming and can make you feel alone and depressed. It’s necessary to share your emotions with loved ones and seek emotional support.

As the adage goes: if you can’t feel it, you won’t heal it. Hiding your feelings and emotions have adverse effects on your physical and mental health. Talk to a friend you trust or a priest and let the pain out.

Shedding a few drops of tears or getting a shoulder to cry on will make you feel slightly better as well as lighten your heart and mind.

2. Indulge in Healthy Activities

Try spending time on your favorite activities, be it eating, exercising, or getting extra sleep. It takes your mind from the tough thoughts and memories of the deceased and gives you enough time to think of all the positives in life.

Psychologists say that one can catalyze the healing process by indulging in activities that make one happy.

3. Honor the Deceased

Look for ways to celebrate the deceased and reminisce about the golden time spent with them. You can arrange a family dinner, invite close friends and family, and cook the favorite meals of the deceased. Ask the guests to share something about the lost loved one.

Similarly, you can arrange a music celebration and play their favorite songs whenever you miss them. Create a playlist of songs that you used to listen to together, as it will help you channel your emotions and feelings in a more healthy way.

4. Seek Support from Friends and Family

Never isolate yourself or restrict social interactions or start taking medications or drugs to relieve pain. It further plunges you into depression. Try to spend time with close friends and family, particularly the ones who care about you.

Seek as much assistance as offered and be open to sharing your feelings with them, you’ll get comfort and solace.

funeral homes Waite Hill, OH5. Don’t Hold on to the Grief

Try to stick to your normal routine, as the deceased would also want you to move forward and adapt to the new reality. Let your pain out and give all the energy and crying it needs and return to normalcy.

Hiding in loneliness won’t do any benefit to the lost loved one or to yourself. The grief process starts even before you contact funeral homes Waite Hill, OH.

cremation services Waite Hill, OH

Understanding Direct Cremation

In the last few years, the trend of choosing cremation services Waite Hill, OH as a type of final disposition is on the rise. Today, many bereaved families consider it as a natural alternative to traditional burial funerals. It is quick, simple, and can cost significantly less compared to burial.

If you’re planning to arrange a direct cremation for your loved one in the near future, read on to get insights into this trending final disposition option.

What is Direct Cremation

A direct cremation is a type of funeral service in which no service is performed before or after the cremation. It is also known as simple or immediate cremation, and no viewing, ceremony, or visitation is required.

The body of the deceased is put in a simple cardboard container, also called a cremation container, and burned to ashes in the presence of a few immediate family members. Direct cremation doesn’t involve any pre-funeral services, so there is no need for a casket.

How Much Direct Cremation Cost

Direct cremation is the least expensive of the funeral types and, on average, can cost half of what you spend on average burial services. The main reason is you don’t need a casket, embalming, or services of a funeral director to arrange a direct cremation which reduces the funeral costs.

That is why cremation is considered a low-cost alternative to a burial funeral.

The Family Require Authorization

Even though the name Immediate cremation reflects the burning of the body soon after death, but you cannot cremate a body without the necessary paperwork.

What documents and certifications you need vary from state to state, but in any case, it may take you 24-48 hours to complete the paperwork. Meanwhile, immediate kin fills in the cremation authorization form, and then a cremation permit is issued by the county where the person has died.

Scatter The Remains Anywhere You Want

The whole cremation process takes almost three hours, and the remains are filtered and delivered to the family within five to ten days in an urn of your choosing. It is upon the bereaved family to decide what to do with the remains.

They can bury it in any special spot, disperse in the air, bury under the sea, display it at the house, or turn it into pieces of jewelry.

cremation services Waite Hill, OHCremation is Quick, Simple, and Cost-Friendly

Direct cremation, unlike burial services, doesn’t require rigorous shopping and making dozens of decisions. You don’t have to worry about services such as catering, floral arrangement, coffin type, venue, and inviting members of the clergy.

The cremation process is simple and straightforward, and it appeals to people who want to make the last services of the deceased as simple as possible.

The aforementioned points show why direct cremations are on the rise in the US and elsewhere. It is the most affordable, simple, and quick type of funeral to say a final goodbye to the lost loved one.

Now, the choice is yours to decide if cremation services Waite Hill, OH is the right disposition method for your loved one or yourself when the time comes.

cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH

Etiquette Tips for Funeral Service

Planning to attend the funeral or cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH, of your friend or colleague? Bear in mind that a funeral is an event where everyone is expected to be on their best behavior.

So, if you’ve never attended a funeral service before, here is everything you should remember when visiting one.

1. Be on Time

There is probably never a more important time to be on time, than a funeral. Try to reach the venue 15 minutes before the scheduled time.

If you are late for a funeral the chances are that you will miss out on the part of the service you aren’t there for, because it is almost impossible for us to hold up service and wait for someone to arrive.

2. Record Your Attendance

Most funeral services will have a memorial or guest book that they want people to sign when they arrive. When you record your details, it is best not to simply sign your signature. Also, add a couple of lines in tribute to the deceased.

It helps the grieving family have an easily legible record of who attended. They may choose to send thank you cards or messages to those that attended, so make sure your name is easily understood.

3. Interact with family

Don’t shy away from approaching the bereaved family and offering your condolences. But don’t try to take a lot of their time.

For families, it can be particularly overwhelming when masses of people are trying to seek them out. Sometimes a grieving person just needs a little space before a funeral to collect their thoughts and emotion.

So, if possible, spend time with the bereaved family members after the service. This is a much more relaxed time and means that you can support them when they need it most.

4. Be Respectful

A funeral is one of those times when nothing less than the utmost respect is acceptable. This means respecting the family, the gathering of mourners, the funeral directors, the clergy, or the celebrant, but most importantly, it means respecting the deceased.

So, conduct yourself with respect, courtesy, and dignity. Never even think of disrespecting the mourning person, even if you have had a strained relationship for years or whatever. Do your very best to be supportive of each other and the family of the deceased.

Be patient if you don’t like something in the event. Just remember where you are and why you are there.

cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH5. Dress Up in proper Attire

Wear what you feel most comfortable in and what you feel is the most respectful outfit for the occasion. It doesn’t have to be all black, but the darker attire is taken as a symbol of grief.

But anything that is not too shiny or attention-drawing is acceptable. Remember that it is a funeral so it is one of those occasions where it’s acceptable to dress up during the day!

In short, there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to funerals. But always be on your best behavior before and after cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Debunking Myths About Preplanned Funerals

The last few years have witnessed an increase in the trend of individuals planning their final disposition at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH. Doing so helps them to communicate their wishes with the family members to get a deserving end-of-life celebration.

But unfortunately, many individuals have unfounded generalizations about preplanned funerals. The reason is people tend to avoid discussing funerals or their traditions for obvious reasons. After all, who would like to talk about death?

Let us kick some common myths related to pre-planning a funeral out of the park.

1. Only Old People Preplan

The outbreak of corona pandemic further highlighted the reality that no one can predict death. Never put preplanning off until tomorrow what you can do today while you’re fit and healthy and can make pragmatic decisions.

Because of this reason, many young people plan their funerals even if they believe the death is years in the future.

2. Only Low-Income Families Preplan Their Funerals

A common misconception is that financial issues convince people to go for funeral preplanning. They tend to minimize the burden on their families once they die. It couldn’t be further from the truth.

While the financial aspect is a popular factor for funeral planning, it’s not the only reason. Most people who preplan their funerals are not under any financial strain when and they rather want to have the final service their own way.

When you preplan your funeral and share every single detail of how it should go, the family is in a better position to honor all your desires.

3. I don’t have Enough Time to Preplan

Preplanning doesn’t take much time, and if anything, it is worth your time just as an exercise, higher education, and office work. If you’re too busy in your work routine, just think of all the things you want in your after-life celebrations and how you want the bereaved to remember you.

Start writing down your wishes and think of all the ways you can personalize the event without overspending your budget. You don’t have to do it all at once. Take your time to make pragmatic choices.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH4. Only You Can Decide How You Want to be Celebrated

No matter how close you’re to your family, only you know yourself the best when it comes to your final wishes. You may have told them some of your wishes, such as if you want to be buried or cremated, but a funeral service entails a lot more than you might think.

Once you start jotting down the details and digging into your preferences, you realize the importance of various events associated with a funeral service. The things that might seem irrelevant to you at first become important, particularly in today’s funeral industry, where you have a plethora of options to personalize your final disposition.

Now, the next step is to get in touch with a professional funeral director and start preplanning your funeral, not tomorrow, but today. It will make sure all your final wishes are fulfilled while your family has one less thing to worry about at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH.