Monthly Archives: November 2021

Cremation services Mentor, OH

How to Offer Condolences

Cremation services Mentor, OH, are among the least discussed topics among Americans and could be why some people hesitate to attend a reception or wake. The fear of finding themselves at a loss while offering condolences to the bereaved family makes them feel nervous to speak to a grieving friend.

However, if you ignore the family of a friend or colleague during the event, you likely won’t feel any better. Not offering your condolences can make you feel regret later when the funeral is over. So, if you’re planning on visiting a funeral service, keep the below points in mind.

Be a Good Listener

While having a conversation, don’t interrupt the grieving person. Give them a good listening ear and avoid trying to take over the conversation. Remember that the fact you showed up is more important than what you say.

Many people tend to offer advice on how to navigate through grief. However, a funeral or memorial service may not be a good time to give such suggestions.

Mention the Deceased by Name

Don’t hesitate to call the lost loved one by name. Research shows that hearing the deceased’s name leaves a positive impact on the bereaved. Mention their positive traits and how great of a person they were.

Acknowledge Their Feelings

Everyone grieves in a unique way. Your friend may be experiencing a rollercoaster of mixed emotions ranging from anger and anxiety to levity, frustration, and fear. Don’t be judgmental and acknowledge the range of emotions your friend is going through.

Ensure them of your unconditional support and that you understand their pain and loss.

Things You Should Say to a Grieving Friend

  • I am always here for you. Don’t hesitate to catch up with me if you ever need me.
  • I am so sorry for your loss. He was like a “brother” to me. I still remember …
  • I don’t know what to say but I want you to know that I love you and I will always be there for you whenever you need me.
  • Offer practical help such as “I will take care of your children’s school shift for one week” or “I will have your house cleaned.”
  • Offer monetary help if possible and don’t feel bad if they turn it down – well, most people do.

Cremation services Mentor, OH

Things You Shouldn’t Say to a Grieving Friend

  • Avoid comparing their loss with your own or others. Don’t go into unnecessary details and never ask too many questions from them about the tragedy.
  • Avoid saying things like “she/he is in a better place right now” or “It was all God’s plan” or “Everything happens for a reason.” It may make them angry.
  • Don’t tell them that they will eventually feel better or forget the loss. Though it’s true it may seem insensitive on your part. Also, avoid the sentences that reflect you know more about the grieving process or emotions than the bereaved family. Offer practical help instead of advice.

Attending cremation services Mentor, OH, involves interacting with other mourners.

Cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH

How to Deliver the Eulogy

Cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH, can be emotional. You have articulated a perfect eulogy encompassing all the highlights, memories, and memorable stories of the deceased’s life. Now what? It’s time to speak in front of the bereaved family and guests – and for most people, delivering a eulogy in a convincing tone is even difficult than writing one.

Chances are you’re not an established speaker and on top of that, you’re combating your own grief, which makes it quite tough to deliver as you want. Fortunately, there are a few tips that will make the task easier for you.

Let’s dive in.

Practice, Practice, and Practice

Even the most prolific public speakers practice their funeral eulogies before delivering them. A eulogy is supposed to be 10-15 minutes long and practicing it out loud in front of a mirror will help you assess if it has the right tone and length.

Sometimes, the words look great on paper but they just don’t flow smoothly as you would have liked. So, the more you practice, the more you’ll be able to refine it before delivering it to the audience.

Calm Yourself Down

It’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions while delivering the speech in front of many people but don’t overwhelm yourself. Imagine it as a way of honoring the deceased without putting too much pressure on yourself.

Take out some time to familiarize yourself with the room, wear appropriate clothing, and have a glass of water beside you while delivering the speech.

See Yourself from the Lens of Audience

Always remember that you can never have a more sympathetic audience than the one you get while delivering a eulogy. Everyone would be least judgmental of you or the way you speak.

Imagine yourself in the audience, listening to the eulogy, and what would else you would have wanted from the speaker except listening to important stories about the deceased. For them, your mere agreement to delivering the eulogy is a great gift. They will appreciate you whatsoever – so being motivated.

Cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH

Speak Slowly and Avoid Eye Contact

Always speak slowly to let the audience process the memories of the deceased. In between the eulogy, some parts will evoke stronger emotions among the audience than others, so take small pauses when needed. Don’t ignore the emotionally charged parts of your speech while trying to maintain a flow.

The audience is bound to get emotional that may distract you. It’s best not to have direct eye contact with the audience.

Handle Your Emotions

Of course, it’s easier said than done but don’t get carried away while delivering the eulogy. Try your best to keep yourself composed and speak the words with your heart.

However, just like everyone else, you will likely be going through an emotional time. Do not let your emotions scare you from the job as your audience won’t complain if you take small pauses in between or take a do-over. All that matters is you should complete the job in the memory of the lost loved one after cremation services Willoughby Hills, OH.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

A Simple Guide on Making Funeral Arrangements

Losing a loved one is and planning service at funeral homes Mentor, OH, is one of the most stressful experiences one can have in life. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by a rollercoaster of emotions but at the same time, there’re many details to be taken care of.

The bereaved have to take on the responsibility of arranging the final services of the lost loved one. We acknowledge that making funeral arrangements is difficult at a time when you are grieving the ultimate loss but indulging in funeral services makes the grief journey slightly better.

How to Arrange A Funeral Service

Here is a step-by-step guide on arranging a funeral — from confirming the death to bringing the financial and administrative matters of the deceased to closure.

Notify the Relevant parties

Soon after confirming the loved one’s death from the hospital or hospice care, start making the “first calls’ to the appropriate authorities. Depending on your state, follow the formal procedure to acquire the legal announcement of the death.

Arrange Deceased Transportation

The next step is to arrange for the transportation of the deceased from the hospital or place of death to a funeral home. If the loved one has died in another city, state, or country, you may need an air ambulance via a local funeral home to shift the body.

Check Loved One’s Will

Many people leave a detailed will of their end-of-life celebrations. It includes all the necessary information from choosing the type of final disposition – burial or cremation – to the associated services they would want to include in the funeral.

Honor their last wishes and try your best to personalize the funeral according to the will.

Arrange the Funeral Services

Start your hunt for a professional funeral director to make sure everything goes as planned. Discuss everything with the director about how you want the loved one to be cared for, the type of disposition, associated funeral services such as catering, music, flowers, and other personalized services you want.

It’s important to get the written pricelist of the services offered by the funeral home and have an estimate of the total cost of the funeral beforehand to ensure everything falls within your budget.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Shop for Individual Products/Services

You can purchase the necessary services from the funeral home but if you want and have enough time, hit the local market. Select and buy a casket, burial vault, online memorial, urn, grave marker, and so on.

Your funeral director can better guide you during the shopping process.

Handle Necessary Paperwork

After the death of a loved one, the bereaved need to put all their financial and administrative matters in order. This entails closing their bank accounts and canceling credit cards, filing for death benefits such as insurance claims or employer benefits, changing the title of the deceased’s financial assets. Similarly, distributing their property according to their will or the state’s orders. If you feel confused, get help from funeral homes Mentor, OH.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

Helping a Friend Who Is Grieving

Grief doesn’t end when you’re done with the service at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH. Grieving the loss of a friend or a family member who suffered from a terminal disease is one of the most difficult tasks. It’s more of a process than a one-time event as the grief begins well before the death.

Seeing the loved one on the deathbed when the time comes can make your friend empty and helpless. The grief it accompanies is complicated and he or she needs your support more than ever. Below are some of the things you should (and shouldn’t) do to help them navigate through the grief.

What Should You Not Do

1. Don’t Keep a Distance

The primary caregiver feels a rollercoaster of mixed emotions ranging from guilt and anger to sadness and anxiety. In such tumultuous times, they need your emotional love and support. Spend some time with them and provide a listening ear to their sorrow.

2. Don’t Avoid Talking About the Deceased

Many people shy from talking about the lost loved one with the bereaved – and quite understandably. But psychologists conjure that listening to the name of the lost loved one provides solace and comfort to the bereaved family.

Mention the deceased by name, highlight their contributions to the community, and elucidate how great of a person they were both as a family member and as a citizen. Also, encourage the grieving person to talk about the lost loved one.

3. Avoid Taking Control Over the Conversation

Be a good listener and non-judgmental. Don’t try to take charge of the conversation and let the bereaved talk as much as they want. While having a conversation, keep the below points in mind:

Don’t compare the loss with your own or other people’s losses. Clichés like “I know exactly how you’re feeling as I have recently lost an aunt to it” do no good.

Don’t say, “At least, the loved one is no more suffering” or “He or she is in a better place now.” It can aggravate the pain for the bereaved.

Even if the family is religious, avoid saying, “God doesn’t give you more than you can bear. You will find peace soon.”

What Should You Do

1. Keep in Touch

Even after the funeral or memorial service, stay in touch with the bereaved. The first couple of weeks after the loss are hardest and without any external support, a person can plunge into anxiety and depression.

funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH

2. Help Do Household Chores

Doing the household chores is the last thing a grieving person would want to do after losing an important person in life – but most people decline it. Anyway, offer your assistance in chores such as cooking, running errands, and taking care of the children’s school shifts.

3. Send Flowers

Even today, sending flowers is a great way to express your condolences as well as unconditional support and love to the bereaved. Sending your good wishes can make them feel positive and motivated.

You can choose to offer a donation or monetary compensation by having their house cleaned, delivered groceries to their home, or even to funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH.