For most people, it’s tough to have a conversation about death or the service at funeral homes Mentor, OH, following it. But at some point, we all face death, and some end-of-life questions need to be asked to ensure smooth final arrangements.
So, whenever you’re ready to kick off your conversation, here’re some of the questions you should ask:
Have They Made a Will?
According to a 2020 study, about 32% of American adults have a will, so there’s a high probability that your loved one doesn’t have a choice in place. Have a pleasant discussion with them and ask about their final wishes.
It’d be better if you could arrange for an attorney to help your loved one create a will and then keep it in a secure place at the lawyer’s office, in a safety deposit box, or in any fireproof safe. You should also have it photocopied in case the original document is damaged.
Do They Want to Opt for Hospice Care?
Not too long ago, most people would choose to die at home or in a hospital as it was the only viable option, but now, an increasing number of people are choosing to receive hospice care or palliative care.
The goal is to provide empathetic care and emotional support to the patient and treat them with utmost dignity, respect, and love. Ask the loved one if there’s any specific place where they would want to get hospice care.
Have They Decided on the Medical Power of Attorney?
This person, also known as a healthcare proxy or power of attorney, stands at your bedside and makes all the essential end-of-life decisions your loved one wanted if they dying are or unable to do so.
For instance, if the loved one has a sudden heart attack or a severe stroke, goes into a coma, or experiences any debilitating illness like Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other cognitive disorders that limits the ability to speak or write. In such a situation, the proxy makes legal decisions for the patient.
Are They Ready to Share Their Financial Information?
Ask your loved ones to arrange and organize their financial information in a secure place. It includes the details of their income and liabilities, bank accounts, credit cards, real estate, assets, and personal properties.
Let them decide how and where they want to donate or transfer their property ownership. Organizing the financial details will save the family from being scammed, and this document should be accessed only after the death of the loved one.
How Would They Want to Be Celebrated?
This question entails details about the funeral arrangements and end-of-life arrangements of your loved one. Starting from choosing the final disposition method and site, ask if there’s any specific funeral home or burial ground or should you arrange for cremation followed by a scattering of ashes in a unique way.
Also, ask and write down their biggest achievements, dreams, and goals, and how they would want the coming generations to remember them. Such personal details will help you customize the funeral and make sure their legacy lives on after funeral homes Mentor, OH.