Are you dealing with the recent death of a coworker? Then you might be thinking about cremation services Willowick, OH. It’s possible that you’ll be invited to the memorial. When someone at the office dies, it changes the mood at work. People don’t know how to react. They want to express their condolences but they also want to remain appropriate.
Employee behavior is dictated by office culture. In a informal, startup-type environment, people will be more willing to show emotion than if they were in corporate roles at a Fortune 500 companies. It’s only natural.
At the same time, no one should be punished for showing grief no matter what your office culture is. If an employee is struggling to get through the day, they should be offered a chance to go home and recover. It’s the gracious thing to do. If multiple employees were killed during the accident, or if the deceased died in a terrible way, you may need to hire grief counselors to come to the office.
Grief affects people in funny ways. When you add the pressures of trying to remain professional, it becomes even stranger. Remember to respect the deceased’s family no matter what you do. If you want to send a card, flowers, etc., it would be appropriate depending on your relationship with the deceased.
You should only attend the cremation service if you’re invited or if you know that the family intends for it to be a public event. You don’t want to make anyone feel awkward if they were trying to host an intimate family gathering.
If you need to ask for time off to grieve, or for an extended deadline for projects that you and the deceased were involved in, don’t be afraid to speak to your boss. Both of your requests are extremely reasonable.
The mood in the office will likely feel serious immediately after the deceased passes away. It’s jarring to go from seeing someone every day to attending their cremation service. Everyone dies but that reality usually feels far off and distant. When your coworker passes away, you suddenly have to confront the idea that life is finite.
Don’t try to pretend that your coworker didn’t die. The loss needs to be addressed, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel. Team morale will never recover if employees feel as though someone’s death was ignored. They may wonder if their own passing will be treated the same way. People want to know that they’re cared for and that their memory will be respected.
If the deceased employee was very important to your organization, you can think about hosting a company memorial. What you do exactly will depend on many different factors. A donation may be more appropriate than a traditional memorial.
Allow the team at Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home to plan your cremation services Willowick, OH if you want to be worry-free. Please call us at (440) 943-2466. We’re located at 29550 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH, 44092. We’re ready to help.