Tag Archives: funeral homes Mentor OH

funeral homes Mentor OH

The Importance of Traditional Burials in Modern Times

In the face of an ever-evolving world, traditional burials continue to hold a significant place within the tapestry of human rituals, illustrating our need to honor and remember loved ones in a tangible way. Despite changes in technology and society, these time-honored customs offer comfort and closure to many. Funeral homes Mentor, OH, provide vital services to ensure these practices are carried out with respect and dignity.

Understanding Traditional Burials

Cultural Significance

Traditional burials serve a critical role in many cultures around the world. They are not just methods of interring bodies but are laden with meanings and rituals that help the living cope with loss. Each culture brings its own unique customs to the process, from the wake to the graveside service, reflecting the values, beliefs, and traditions of the community.

Environmental Considerations

Though there has been a shift towards eco-friendly interment options, many still opt for the conventional burial process. This often involves embalming, a casket, and a burial plot. While these practices are subject to environmental scrutiny, they also provide a perpetual resting place that can be visited by loved ones, preserving a physical connection to those who have passed.

Personal Legacy

Traditional burials offer a way to leave a lasting legacy. Headstones or grave markers act as tangible reminders of one’s life story, often inscribed with epitaphs that capture the essence of the person. For generations to come, these monuments stand as historical records and as a testament to the life of the deceased.

The Role of Funeral Homes

In navigating the complexities of traditional burials, funeral homes play an integral part. They assist families in planning the services, taking care of the legal and logistical aspects so that families can focus on grieving and honoring their loved ones.

Psychological Impact on the Bereaved

The rituals surrounding traditional burials have a profound psychological impact on those left behind. These ceremonies create a sense of community and support, allowing individuals to express grief collectively. The finality of a traditional burial can also provide closure, helping the bereaved to begin the healing process.

Economic Factors

The costs associated with traditional burials can be a consideration for many. From purchasing a plot to selecting a casket, there are financial implications that must be considered. Funeral homes often provide a range of options to accommodate different budgets, ensuring that a dignified service is accessible to all.

Adapting to Modern Demands

While traditional burials remain popular, they are increasingly being tailored to meet modern needs. This includes incorporating technology into services, such as live-streaming for those who cannot attend or personalizing the ceremony to reflect the unique life of the individual.


As we continue to uphold the traditions that have shaped our handling of life’s final passage, funeral homes Mentor, OH, like Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home, are here to guide you through these sacred customs. We understand the importance of traditional burials and commit to providing the sensitive support needed during these solemn times. With our compassionate service and attention to detail, we ensure that your loved one’s legacy is honored in a manner that resonates with the depth of their life lived. At Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home, we foster the traditions that weave the fabric of our community, providing solace and a dignified farewell to those we hold dear.

Funeral homes Mentor, OH

Funeral Home Initiatives: Nurturing the Passage of Life

Funeral homes have evolved beyond being solely places of mourning and now serve as transformative spaces that celebrate life. Instead, they have become places that nurture the passage of life. Funeral homes Mentor, OH, specifically, are transforming the way we perceive agony and grief into a celebration of the lives lived. They do this by introducing a number of innovative initiatives.

Honoring Lives, Preserving Memories

One significant initiative undertaken within funeral homes is the commitment to honor each individual life. This is achieved by creating unique, personalized experiences that reflect the life of each person. To pay appropriate homage, many funeral homes are now offering photo collages, memory boards, customizable keepsake jewelry, or video tributes displayed during the service. All these act as tools of reminiscence in the healing process.

Community Outreach Programs

Funeral homes now view community support as an integral part of their roles. Organizing and sponsoring community activities, such as bereavement support groups and grief counseling workshops, help both the grieving individuals and the community as a whole. By doing so, funeral homes facilitate emotional support and healing, particularly when communities are dealing with collective grief or tragedy.

Environmentally Conscious Practices

Today, many funeral homes have adopted environmentally friendly policies in their operations. These green initiatives range from biodegradable caskets to natural burial grounds. Some homes are even adapting their cremation processes to reduce carbon emissions, Earth’s last love letter to those who cared for it while they were alive. By using sustainable materials and promoting eco-consciousness, these funeral homes respect both the departed and the earth they leave behind.

Technological Innovations

Funeral homes are also utilizing the advancements in technology to provide better service. Online memorials, live-streamed services, and digital guestbooks are some examples of current digital offerings. In this tech-driven era, these modern initiatives create a more accessible and inclusive space for those who are geographically distant or simply unable to attend the service.

Focus on Education

Emphasizing educational initiatives, funeral services now offer pre-planning assistance and resources to help families understand the entire process. This initiative empowers individuals to make informed decisions about end-of-life services, providing comfort and reassurance to family members during an undoubtedly challenging time.

Funeral homes Mentor, OHIn conclusion, funeral homes are evolving into platforms of emotional comfort, environmental sustainability, technological innovation, and educational empowerment in all facets of end-of-life care. These initiatives illustrate how funeral homes Mentor, OH, are nurturing the passage of life, transforming how we perceive and handle bereavement while offering a variety of bespoke services in line with the evolving societal trends and needs. As death is an inevitable part of life, these initiatives help communities and loved ones to not just mourn death, but celebrate the life lived, encouraging healing and remembrance in the most nurturing way.

Whether you’re pre-planning or in need of our immediate services, you’ll find personalized care and support at Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home. Honor your loved ones with respect and dignity while also commemorating their lives in a meaningful way. Reach out to us today and let our dedicated staff assist you in navigating your journey of loss with grace and compassion.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Caskets vs. Urns: Navigating Funeral Home Options

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is an emotional task, often paired with the challenging responsibility of making funeral arrangements. Amid the whirlwind of grief, making crucial decisions such as choosing between a casket, or an urn can be overwhelming. These decisions hold a significant weight, turning the process into a daunting task. Fortunately, funeral homes Mentor, OH provide compassionate support and a diverse range of services to help individuals through these challenging times. Their goal is to guide you with empathy and professionalism, alleviating some of the burdens faced during this difficult journey.

Understanding Your Options


Caskets are traditional and commonly used for burial purposes. They come in various materials, including wood, metal, and biodegradable materials. Some families choose a casket based on the preference or wishes of the deceased, while others consider the cost, design, and durability.


Urns are typically used to hold the cremated remains of a loved one. They provide a more flexible option for families, allowing them to scatter ashes in a meaningful location, keep them at home, or place them in a columbarium. The selection of an urn can be a personal choice, reflecting the deceased’s personality or the family’s preference.

Choosing a Funeral Home

Selecting a funeral home is an essential part of the process. Consider factors such as the services offered, the location, the staff’s professionalism and empathy, and, of course, the cost. Read reviews, seek recommendations, and ensure the funeral home can cater to your specific needs and preferences.

Importance of Pre-Planning

Pre-planning a funeral can ease the burden on family members and ensure that your final wishes are respected. Many funeral homes offer pre-planning services, guiding you through every step of the process, from choosing between a casket or an urn to planning the ceremony’s details. This foresight can alleviate stress, providing peace of mind that all arrangements will be handled with care and respect when the time comes.

Grieving and Support Services

Dealing with the loss of a loved one is challenging. Some funeral homes offer grief support and counseling services. These services can provide much-needed emotional support during this tough time. Additionally, these services often extend to the period following the funeral, helping families cope with their loss. Such services aim to foster a healing environment, allowing individuals to process their grief in a supportive and understanding space.

funeral homes Mentor, OHNavigating funeral home options, deciding between caskets and urns, and making other important decisions during such a difficult time can be overwhelming. However, the funeral homes in Mentor, OH, are there to guide and support you every step of the way. These decisions are deeply personal and differ for every individual and family. Remember, it’s essential to choose what feels most appropriate and comforting for you and your loved ones.

Ready to plan ahead or need immediate assistance? Contact Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home today. Their compassionate and professional team is here to guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a service that honors your loved one’s memory. Get the support you need during these challenging times.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Why Serve Refreshments At A Funeral Home?

Should the drink be served at the funeral home? When deciding on a funeral for your loved one, think about the details that you will add to make them special. You also need to think about what you can do to make sure everyone is comfortable with the service. One way to do this at funeral homes Mentor, OH is to sell your drinks at the funeral home. Here are some reasons why it’s best to serve drinks directly at the funeral home.

Allows For Longer Services

When planning an anticipated funeral, expect the guests to be hungry. If your funeral service is going to last all day, you want the guest to be with you from start to finish. When they are hungry, they participate less in the celebration of life and may be more likely to leave before everything is finished. While you are planning the funeral, you can make it happy and relaxed by offering drinks and snacks. When they are hungry, thirsty, or need to rest, there is no need to go and they will be able to take a break, come back refreshed, and continue to pay their respects to the deceased.

No Need For Catering Or A Reception

If you have plans to prepare food and drinks for the funeral, doing so while watching will save time and maybe even money. This is common and a great way to bring everyone together and make sure you have something for them to eat and drink after a long day at the funeral home. If you don’t have time, or can’t hold a reception, or can’t pay for the food, you can use the funeral home to serve food and drinks to your guests. That way, you have no reason to go elsewhere to prepare food and you can make it easy for everyone to stay in one place and still get food and drinks.

Keeps Everyone Close

When you lose a loved one, you want loved ones to be close to you. If they’re not comfortable with these services, they’re more likely to go away and meet somewhere else. One way to be more stable and have a shoulder to cry on is to offer snacks and drinks. Then they don’t have to eat out or rush home to cook. They will have everything they need to enjoy the service and pay tribute to loved ones who have passed, no need to leave the service earlier or schedule dinner elsewhere.

If you’re planning a funeral at funeral homes Mentor, OH, and want to decide whether to serve your refreshments at the funeral home or plan a reception somewhere else, then consider the ideas and suggestions above. This can help you decide if this option is right for your family. To get help with planning the funeral, please contact Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home. We are happy to support you in all matters relating to funeral planning. You can visit us or give us a call and ask all your questions. For more information about our services and facilities, contact us today or schedule a viewing.

funeral homes Mentor OH

Things to Avoid at a Funeral

A funeral at funeral homes Mentor, OH is an event where you need to be at the best of your behavior. You need to avoid certain things that might be considered in regular settings – but not in a funeral.

But often, it’s difficult to know what to avoid when we’re under stress. And that’s why we are here with a brief guide on what should you NOT do at a funeral service:

1. Avoid Showy Clothes

Never attend a funeral in shiny or too-showy clothes. It is a somber event that demands the utmost respect from all the guests. You are there to remember the deceased, not to make a fashion statement. Remember that this funeral is not about you.

Try to be as simple as possible. If confused, dress in black. What is appropriate funeral attire can vary on numerous factors, including the wishes of the deceased.

2. Avoid Taking Phone Calls Unless It’s Urgent

It’s best to switch off your phone during the funeral – or at least, turn down the volume. Listening to your call phone is often considered a disrespect to the deceased. It upsets the people near you.

In many funerals, organizers request people to turn their phones off before the service begins.

3. Avoid Laughing

Stating the obvious, you should avoid laughing at all costs during the service. No one expects you to break down in tears throughout the service, but laughing is not acceptable. It gives a message of disrespect and total disregard for the bereaved family and other guests.

It’s OK to enjoy a chat with people at a funeral and you might even have something amusing to share. But control your emotions and save the laughter for some other time.

4. Don’t Bring Uninvited Guests

It’s best to avoid bringing any guests with you to a funeral service unless they knew the deceased well. This service is extremely important for the bereaved family and a particular person’s presence might be upsetting for them.

If you still want to bring someone, it’s best to check first if you’re not sure.

5. Don’t Complain

Never complain about the proceedings of a funeral service. This is a stressful time for the family and they, of all people, want it to be perfect. If you think a particular service can be done better, then better keep the idea to yourself or wait until it’s the appropriate time.

Most people around you are very upset and it’s best to take their feelings into account as well.

funeral homes Mentor OH6. Don’t Yawn

If anything, funerals aren’t supposed to be fun and exciting. They can be long and boring for some guests. And you can feel too bored during the service to start yawning. Avoid it at all costs as somebody close to the deceased might take offense at seeing somebody yawn.

Be sure to keep yourself involved with the service to help prevent boredom from setting in. Generally, funerals are not very long, so you won’t have to spend hours holding back your tiredness at funeral homes Mentor, OH. Contact the professionals at Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home today.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Funeral Service on Budget

Funerals at funeral homes Mentor, OH can be expensive, depending on what services you choose. But that doesn’t mean you cannot arrange a memorable last service for your loved one without spending a fortune.

Below are some creative ideas to plan an affordable funeral. But remember that you won’t be able to follow all these tips in a single service, so choose the ones that suit your circumstances and wishes.

1. Explore All Your Options

Rule #1, never make a decision in haste. Before choosing what’s best for your loved one, be sure to go through all your options, like whether to select burial or cremation, which casket or urn to buy, what to serve to the guests, and so on.

Ask your funeral director to give you recommendations to make the service more memorable. Sit back, think about each option, and decide what meets your budget. This will save you from expensive mistakes.

2. Shop Around

Call up the funeral homes in your area and ask for pricing. Not only it will give you an idea about the prices of different services and products, but it will also help you decide if the funeral home is the right fit. If the prices are snippy or not so transparent, start looking for other options.

Try to hit the local market and get prices for the services you want. Also, explore online options and assess if you should buy from the funeral home or outside.

3. Negotiate to Get Discounts

Don’t shy from bargaining with the funeral home manager to keep costs to a minimum. It’s their job to make arrangements that suit your needs, and they can help you best when they know what you want.

Simply asking for the prices of different items may help you get better rates on certain products or services. But be reasonable. The funeral director and staff need to earn a living.

Another simple idea for saving money is asking for an itemized price list in advance of all the services you will be purchasing. Often, funeral homes offer a complete funeral package that also includes the services you don’t even want. Get a quote for individual services to ensure you don’t have any surprise charges tacked on.

funeral homes Mentor, OH4. Keep Obituary Brief

An obituary is a death notice that you post in the local newspaper to inform the local community about the loss and the funeral details. It also highlights key phases and achievements of the departed soul,

Remember that newspapers often charge per word for the obituary. Make it short for big savings. Or post the obituary online with a free memorial website to save money.

5. Preplan Your Service

Want to save your loved ones from the hassle of spending lots of money on your final services? Start preplanning for your own funeral. Not only you can start paying for the services you want, but it also gives you the chance to celebrate your last services at funeral homes Mentor, OH, as you wanted without overburdening the family.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Answering FAQs About Funeral Events

In this article, we are going to answer some common queries of people regarding cremation and funeral homes Mentor, OH, and related events. Give it a read and clear out your confusion.

1. How long after death is cremation?

With the rise in the popularity of cremation, this is one of the most common questions of people. Since cremation doesn’t involve embalming, it takes place within a day or two after death. The next-of-kin needs time to sign the cremation authorization, and in some cases, a coroner must also authorize it.

2. Can it be both a funeral and a cremation?

Yes, the family can decide to hold a funeral after the cremation or vice versa. Cremation after the funeral means that you can have the body at the service.

But if you have the cremation first, you have to wait until the funeral home returns the ashes – which typically takes a couple of weeks. Then, you have complete authority to arrange the burial funeral anytime you want.

It also gives you more options to schedule funeral or memorial services and arranges out-of-town visits and other matters.

3. Can we plan a funeral on Sunday?

Why not! The family can decide to hold the funeral service on Sunday. Many funeral homes are more than willing to accommodate a Sunday funeral – however, a few funeral homes might say otherwise.

So, be sure to confirm it with your funeral home before planning further. Also double-check with the officiant to ensure his or her availability to speak at the service on Sunday.

4. What time are funerals usually held?

Anytime the family wants. But in general, late morning to early afternoon is the most common time frame for funerals. This time bracket allows guests to stay for a luncheon or reception before heading back home.

In contrast, wakes, viewings, and visitations usually occur in the evening, the night before the funeral.

5. How long after death is a wake?

A wake, also known as a viewing or visitation, happens within a week of death. Traditionally, it occurs the day before the funeral with friends and family members gathered to say one last tribute to the deceased.

The deceased’s body is present during an open-casket visitation. Compared to a funeral, this is a less formal event. The guests are also served some food or beverages.

funeral homes Mentor, OH6. Possible Reasons to Delay a Funeral

Some of the common reasons that might delay a funeral for an unspecified amount of time include:

  • The death occurred during the middle of winter and there has been a bad ice storm. Or the city has experienced a power outage, including at the funeral home.
  • There are some criminal investigations surrounding the death and the coroner has not yet released the body.
  • The close kins are outside the country for any reason. They need time to get back home so that they can attend the funeral.
  • The deceased has passed away in a different country.
  • The family needs funds collection to pay for a funeral.

Speak to the experts at funeral homes Mentor, OH, if you have additional questions.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Positive Ways to Accept Death

Are you arranging a loved one’s service at funeral homes Mentor, OH? Agree or not, we all come across a time when you have to face the inevitable – the loss of a loved one. Someone close to your heart, like a part of your body. Whether the person is your spouse, parent, or close friend, the event hit pretty hard and what comes naturally is the grief journey.

For most people, grief is a complicated process. It comes in stages. There may be a denial, there may be anger, and these feelings may come separately or all at once. But sooner or later, it will lead to acceptance.

If you’re coping with the loss of a loved one, here are some proven tips to better navigate through the grief journey.

1. Don’t Rush, Take Your Time to Mourn

No two person grieves in the same way. Just because someone you know has gotten over the death of the loved one quickly implies you have to replicate it. Grief has a variety of variables including age, duration of the relationship, and the type of death – like tragic or sudden – that play into how one processes death.

It’s ok if you take a while to accept that the beloved soul has gone forever. This doesn’t make you appear vulnerable or weak. Not putting a time limit is always helpful when you find yourself dealing with a loss.

2. Remember the Positive Memories

Take comfort in knowing that the loved one has impacted your life and made you what you’re today. They taught you to face the harsh realities of the world positively and never let go of yourself.

Be grateful for their influence and know that you have the opportunity to pass their legacy to future generations. Knowing that you can’t bring the loved one back, but they’ll never truly leave you is comforting.

3. Give Them a Memorable Funeral

Arrange a funeral worthy of their personality and upright character. It should honor their memory in the best possible way. Arrange small events to make the guests know how good of a person the loved one was. Get unique funeral ideas from your funeral director.

Not only do they deserve a perfect farewell, but it also helps you seek solace and comfort to do whatever in your capacity to commemorate the memory of the departed soul.

4. Continue to Speak About Them

Don’t shy from talking about the loved one, and how much you miss them. And tell your good memories of that person to your close family and friends. Just because you can’t see your loved ones after they’ve died, doesn’t mean you can’t speak of them at a family gathering.

funeral homes Mentor, OH6. Know When to Get Help

Lastly and most importantly, know the signs that you need help. Coping with loss can be challenging, particularly if you had a deep bonding with your loved one. For those with a history of depression, the grieving process may be more challenging.

If you need help, reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can provide you with options. There’s no shame in getting the assistance you need. Understand the needs of your body and make a decision sooner than later about funeral homes Mentor, OH.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

Plan the Perfect Funeral

Arranging a funeral service at funeral homes Mentor, OH, for the lost loved one is not a simple task – especially if you’re doing it for the first time. It involves making dozens of decisions within a short timeframe. You may have to do everything from picking the casket to inviting the guests.

If you’re tasked with managing the last services of the departed soul, here is what you should do:

How to Plan a Funeral

1. Learn About Funeral

First, acquaint yourself with different events involved in a funeral service. This will ease stress and help you reduce costs, and give a perfect tribute to the lost loved one.

Don’t wait till the last day to start arranging for the service. Start planning soon after you’re tasked with arranging the funeral.

2. Set Your Budget

Funerals can cost a lot if you make unscrupulous decisions which are highly likely at a time when you’re experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions.

But there are many cost-friendly ways to honor your loved ones the way they deserve. Much will come down to the choices you make. Here’s how to set your funeral budget:

  • Research average funeral costs in your locality. Note that cremation often costs less than burial.
  • Take a look at your finances and insurance, then determine what you can afford
  • Ask a friend who has already arranged a service before or a professional funeral director to help you stay on task and avoid unnecessary purchases

3. Choose Disposition Method

For most families, this comes down to burial vs cremation. While you have plenty of final disposition ideas but the two most popular choices are cremation and burial.

Make your decision based on the deceased’s final wish, the family’s religious or cultural preferences, and your budget. At the same time, consider whether or not to embalm. This comes true even if you’re going with burial as you have sorts of alternative burial and preservation methods – less expensive than embalming.

4. Decide About the Funeral Services

A complete funeral service includes many events, both before the service and after. That includes wake, viewing, visitation (before events) and reception, cremation, scattering, and committal, also called after events.

5. Plan the Additional Service Events

Next, you need to take care of additional services that make up the whole event like choosing an officiant, deciding on readings, Scriptures, prayers, and songs, as well as who should give the eulogy.

Also, decide if you want an open casket or a closed one, any special music or open mic sharing time, or any other special memorial tributes.

funeral homes Mentor, OH6. Choose a Final Resting Place

While the traditional resting place for burial is at a cemetery, you get tons of options if the loved one is cremated. You may scatter all or part of the ashes in the ocean, river, or from a cliff. Or you can choose to keep the cremation urn at home. Similarly, you can bury the urn, or place it into a columbarium niche at funeral homes Mentor, OH.

funeral homes Mentor, OH

What are Different Types of Funeral Services?

There are many types of funeral services to choose from. You can have a traditional burial or cremation, or you could choose something more unique. There are also a variety of memorial options available, so you can create a service that celebrates your loved one’s life. No matter what type of service you choose, it’s important to plan carefully and make sure all your loved ones are on board with the arrangements.

Traditional funeral services typically involve a visitation or wake, followed by a funeral service and then a burial. Cremation services can be similar, but often involve a memorial service instead of a traditional funeral service.

There are many ways to personalize a funeral or memorial service. You can choose the type of service, the location, the readings and music, and even the type of coffin or urn.

No matter what type of funeral or memorial service you choose, it’s important to take the time to plan carefully. Make sure all your loved ones are on board with the arrangements and that everyone knows what to expect. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can create a meaningful tribute that celebrates your loved one’s life.

What is Funeral Service?

A funeral service is a ceremony that is held to commemorate the life of a deceased person. The funeral service can be held at a church, funeral home, or other location. It is typically conducted by a priest, minister, or celebrant.

What is the most popular type of funeral?

The most popular type of funeral is a traditional burial. This includes a casket, a funeral service, and a graveside service. Cremation is also becoming more popular, as it is less expensive and more flexible than a traditional burial.

What are alternative funerals?

Alternative funerals are those that do not follow the traditional format. Alternatively, you could have a memorial service without the body present. You could also choose to have your ashes scattered in a place that was special to you. Alternative funerals are becoming more popular as people look for ways to personalize the funeral service and make it more unique.

Just like everything else has evolved with time, so have funeral homes Mentor, OH. Today, a funeral includes many special services meant to honor the deceased in the best possible manner.

So, are you excited to learn more about how different families opt to host the final services of the lost loved one? In this article, we are going to present the five most popular funeral ceremonies that you might experience while visiting a funeral.

Note that we won’t be touching different religious services that might occur during a funeral.

1. The Wake

This service generally takes place before burial or cremation. The wake includes two main parts:

  • The viewing, in which people can say their goodbyes to the deceased.
  • The visitation, in which people spend time with the deceased’s close friends and family.

Some families choose to have a wake even with no other service.

2. Traditional Funeral Service

Arguably the most common funeral event is where people come together to pay their respects to the deceased. This event can happen in a funeral home, deceased’s family home, any place of worship, or even at a natural location.

During the service, the deceased’s body is present and everyone pays homage to their wonderful life. Once the service is over, the body is usually transported to a cemetery or crematorium for disposition.

3. The Memorial Service

Generally speaking, memorial services aren’t much different from funeral services. But the key difference is that the deceased’s body is not present in a memorial service (however, the families often bring ashes after cremation).

Memorial services don’t need to take place right after the deceased has passed so this allows time for friends and family who live far away to make arrangements to attend the service.

4. The Committal Service

Also known as graveside services, this event generally takes place before burial or cremation. But some families also hold the committal service right after the funeral service. Depending on your preferences, you can opt to have the entire service be just a simple committal service.

funeral homes Mentor, OH5. The Reception

The reception is relatively an informal service that takes place after the funeral service. Close family members and friends get together and commemorate the deceased. It is customary to serve guests food and beverages and people have an opportunity to walk around and talk to one another. The goal is to offer tribute to the lost loved one in the best possible manner.

To sum up, funerals can be as flexible as you want them to be. Depending on the nature of the deceased, you can create a unique and customized event to celebrate the wonderful life they have spent. Just be sure to take your family members on board while planning one. You can get more advice at funeral homes Mentor, OH.

Funeral FAQs

What is the difference between a memorial and a funeral?

A memorial service is the perfect way to celebrate your life after it’s over with friends, family members & colleagues who care about making sure that every last detail of this event will never be forgotten.

What options are there for a funeral?

The options for a funeral service are numerous and vary depending on your preferences. For instance, you could have an outdoor ceremony with hymns or songs played by bagpipes if that is what makes sense in the culture of where it’s being held.

What are the three main types of funeral celebrations?

Funerals can take on many different forms. There is the traditional funeral service or making funeral arrangement, also known as graveside ceremony which might be held at a cemetery with family members assisting your loved one into their final resting place before burial or cremation becomes necessary depending upon preference.