Monthly Archives: March 2020

cremation services Willowick, OH

5 Tips for Bringing Children to a Cremation Service

Are you planning on attending or hosting cremation services Willowick, OH? You may be wondering if it’s appropriate to bring your child. Or, perhaps you’re fielding questions from other mourners about their children. Either way, there are a few tips and guidelines that can make the process smoother. Here’s what they are.

1. Prepare for Early Departure

If you’re bringing small children to a memorial, you have to be prepared to leave early. A misbehaving child needs to be removed from the other mourners. Or, if a child becomes overwhelmed with emotion, it’s also a good idea to take them outside. There is no disrespect intended with this action.

2. Feed Them

Hungry children are more difficult to work with than children with a full stomach. If you’re a guest at the cremation service, make sure you feed your children before you arrive. You should do the same if you’re hosting the memorial. You can also serve food at the reception. This will appeal to both adults and children. You can feed a large number of people without spending a lot of money if you choose simple fare. You don’t need to create a gourmet experience,

3. Stay Calm

No matter what happens, you should try to remain calm. If everything doesn’t go exactly as planned, there’s no need to panic. Children can sense how you’re feeling. If you’re too stressed out, that emotion will affect the child. Likewise, if you remain calm and sedate, the child will feed off those emotions as well. This calm is not a feint.

4. Be Clear

If children are invited, you should be very clear with attendees. Let them know that it’s okay to bring a child. You should also let them know if there are any particular rules involved. For example, if children under a certain age are not allowed to attend, everyone should know this. You may also decide to invite children to the reception and not the funeral.

5. Be Brief

If you’re hosting the event yourself, you have to be conscious of time restraints. Even the best-behaved child in the world might have trouble sitting through a very long memorial. If you think people will have more to say, you can host the reception.

There are many facets of the memorial that need to be decided. This work is necessary. It’s natural to want everything to be absolutely perfect. This may be the last time that people gather in one spot to speak about the deceased.

Children are just one of many questions. Many people may want to attend. The event will be powerful and moving. There’s nothing else quite like a well-planned memorial. These events can touch your soul.

Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home, located at 29550 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH, 44092, is the premier spot to host cremation services Willowick, OH. You can reach us by calling (440) 943-2466. Please don’t hesitate to call, our highly trained staff can answer any questions you might have.

Funeral homes Willowick, OH

Funeral Etiquette: Should Children Attend the Burial?

Funeral homes Willowick, OH focus one serving the community. There are many potential etiquette rules that you have to think about. The exact expectations depend on the culture of the deceased. One question that is routinely brought up concerns children. Specifically, should you bring small children to a funeral? It’s a very difficult question. No one can give a definite answer. However, there are a few things you should think about.


How old is the child? A ten-year-old child has a much better chance of being able to control themselves than a newborn baby. An older child will be able to understand what’s happening. Still, that doesn’t mean that they have the maturity to handle the event. You know your child best. If you’re hosting the funeral and parents ask if they can bring children, they should know if their child is capable.


How is the child related to the deceased? Many people believe that someone’s own children should attend the funeral regardless of age. Others believe that the entire immediate family falls under this umbrella. The question becomes harder when the relationship is more distant. In that case, it really depends on the family. You’ll have to decide for yourself.

You should also think about your own relationship with the deceased and their family.


The acceptableness of children at a funeral may be impacted by how the deceased passed away. If it was an unexpected or surprising death, you may be less likely to bring a child. These events are often particularly emotional.

If, however, the deceased was elderly or passed after a long illness, the feelings may be different. People will still be grieved, but they won’t be shocked.


Different cultures have different beliefs about death. The culture of the deceased can tell you if children should attend. In some cases, the child not appearing is an insult. In other cases, the opposite is true.

Of course, you have to gauge the child’s own feelings as well. How do they feel about the deceased? Do they want to go to the funeral? You may be guided by the child’s thoughts as well.

Funerals are almost stressful. Yet, they can be very moving as well. The only questions that arise involve comfort. If you do decide to take your child, you have to be willing to leave early if the child becomes unruly. You can’t distract everyone else.

Make sure to speak to the child first. It’s possible that they don’t know how to act at a funeral. Stressing them out won’t help. You need to be very aware of their emotions. If you’re not you’ll be surprised by the strength of their reaction. If you do have to leave the memorial, you’ll want to say something to the family when you get a chance.

Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home is one of the best funeral homes Willowick, OH in the area. Please call (440) 943-2466 if you’d like to speak to our team. We’re located at 29550 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH, 44092.

cremation services Wickliffe, OH

5 Tips for Writing the Perfect Eulogy

The need for cremation services Wickliffe, OH, hurts. You wish that you never had to say goodbye. However, death is an unavoidable part of life. You can’t bring your loved one back to life, but you can honor their memory in the best way possible. A eulogy is a classic way to express your feelings. Keep reading for tips you can use.

1. Use Brevity

You could probably spend the rest of your life talking about the deceased. Yet, during the eulogy you have to condense their entire essence into a few simple words. There will be time limits during the cremation service or funeral. It’s not possible to remain there forever. To create the greatest effect, you should focus on a few great or moving qualities of the deceased.

2. Be Sincere

Talk about important aspects of your relationship with the deceased. People want to hear positive stories about the deceased. They want to learn about someone they cared about. Your role as a eulogist is to provide this sensation. But people will be able to tell if you’re not being sincere. You can’t simply say what you think people want to hear. Sincerity is valued.

3. Practice

Practice makes perfect is considered to be a truism for a reason. You really will feel more comfortable if you practice. Try to run through your speech at least a few times before the memorial. If you can, have a friend or family member listen to your words. They can tell if any parts are confusing or too long-winded. You can also practice in front of a mirror.

4. Stay Calm

Don’t worry about your delivery. If you mess up a line or phrase, just keep going. Practicing will help, but you may still have nerves or be overwhelmed with emotions during the actual eulogy. This is perfectly understandable. The best thing you can do is to remain calm. If you become too stressed or panicked, it can throw off your delivery. You should try to stay calm while you’re writing as well.

5. Accept

Whatever happens, accept it. You can only control the outcome so much. Writing a eulogy is an extremely difficult task. You have to fit an entire life into a few minutes. The work will be easier if you accept that perfection is impossible. There may be something you wish had said or didn’t say after everything is over. This is okay.

Writing a eulogy means that someone close to you has died. It also means that you have been given a chance to honor your loved one’s memory. This chance shouldn’t be wasted. It’s the one clear opportunity that you’ll have. They say that words have power. You can prove this by writing a moving eulogy.

Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home, conveniently located at 29550 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH, 44092, is the best place to host cremation services Wickliffe, OH. You can call us at (440) 943-2466. Please don’t hesitate. We are ready to help.

funeral homes Wickliffe, OH

5 Healthy Ways to Express Your Grief

When you’re worried about funeral homes Wickliffe, OH, your mind is often overwhelmed with grief. It’s very hard to live your life when you’re consumed by grief. However, you might be able to move past your feelings if you can find healthy ways to express your emotions. It’s freeing. We can’t predict how long your grief will last or exactly how it will affect you, but we can give you tips that might help you very much.

1. Be Social

Turning into a hermit isn’t healthy. Your grief can lead to you spending too much time by yourself. It’s a very easy trap to fall into. To fight this, you should force yourself to go out and be social. It can help your grief. You can hang out with people who have no idea that you are going through a difficult moment. Seeing those people can provide you with stress-free hours. Or, you can hang out with people who know you. At some point, you will have to continue leaving.

2. Exercise

Exercise is always good for you, but it’s especially helpful when you’re grieving. It can completely change the way you interact with the world. You don’t have to be in shape to get started. You can be in the hospital and still move in a purposeful way. When the endorphins flood your brain, it gives you something new to think about. These endorphins can also make you feel happier. Exercise can make you feel better no matter how bad you feel.

3. New Hobby

Picking up a new hobby creates a new interest in your life. Suddenly, you have something to do beyond focusing on your grief. You can pick up a hobby like knitting, cooking, a sport. It doesn’t matter what you do. The point is that you find a healthy activity that brings you out of your own mind. If you need inspiration for your hobby, look online.

4. Journal

The art of journaling isn’t fully understood. Many people believe that it’s just for kids. However, it’s been demonstrated that journaling helps people of all ages. It’s especially helpful if you’re grieving. You can process your feelings in a way that is completely judgment-free. No one has to see what you write. You could even write in shorthand.

5. Accept

Accept yourself. Accept that you are grieving and that it’s a natural process. Self-acceptance can lead to peace. You can feel your emotions without letting them rule. This is a bit of a radical idea but it works. You may have to try hard to get into the right spirit. Working on your grief is very difficult. It’s actually expected. What you need to do starts now.

The caring compassionate team at Orlando-Donsante-Previte Funeral Home can help when you need funeral homes Wickliffe, OH. Please call us at (440) 943-2466. We’re located at 29550 Euclid Ave, Wickliffe, OH, 44092. We are happy to show you around, talk about the options, and help you in any way we can.