Do you know that arranging a service at funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH entails making at least a few decisions within the first 24 hours? At a time when you’re experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions, chances of making unscrupulous decisions are always high.
Around 2.4 million funerals occur in the US annually and our research shows that there’re a few planning mistakes that are too common cost the bereaved families thousands of dollars. The last thing you’d want is to make any of those mistakes at your own funeral.
Let’s read them up.
Not Having Clarity in Your Choices
This mistake arises due to either lack of knowledge about what a funeral service entails or lack of communication with loved ones. It culminates in you making choices that don’t reflect the deceased’s life or go well with every family member and can create rifts and divisions amongst them during the final services.
So, don’t rush while jotting down your ideas, and take your time to consider what’s important. It’s better to make them tangible in written documentation and let your family members know what you’re doing if you want them to be involved in the funeral.
Not Asking Enough Questions
When you’re planning a funeral, one of the most common mistakes is not getting enough information about the options you have regarding several funeral services. That bars you from being pragmatic and practical and choosing the most preferable options.
Some people end up buying funeral services that they don’t really want, or they forget to inquire about things that they really do desire. So, don’t shy from asking any questions that cross your mind and focus on attention to detail while preplanning. A professional funeral director walks you through the entire process.
Not Preplanning Your Final Service
Funeral planning can involve your own end-of-life service as well. “Why should I preplan my funeral? I am too young to think about death. Let’s do it some point in the future.” If these thoughts pop up in your mind, you might want to reconsider.
No one likes to talk about death during the prime of life – and it’s understandable. But if you don’t make your last wishes known to the family before passing away, they may not know how best to honor you.
So, take out some time, sit with a funeral director, take their guidance on various details regarding your final service, and complete your preplanning. If possible, start making payments for the services you want to include in your funeral.
Not Saving Money
Funerals need to be paid for and can add an extra burden on your finances if you weren’t expecting the expense, or if the deceased was the family’s breadwinner. Lately, the trend of prepaying for funeral services has gained popularity but still, not many people choose it.
However, it could be a good option to plan in advance, as this helps relieve mourners of any financial burden at a time when they’re already facing emotional turmoil. Anyone can start saving in advance or paying for the services they want to include in their funeral.
Life insurance can also be a viable option to cover your funeral expenses. If. as in most cases, the funeral was not prepaid, you can speak with funeral homes Willoughby Hills, OH, about options that suit your budget.