When you plan a memorial service at funeral homes Waite Hill, OH, grief is natural. Complicated grief is a heightened state of mourning that keeps you from healing. The pain can be physical as well as emotional and can seriously hamper a person’s ability to carry out even the daily minor tasks.
Here are some interesting points about complicated grief:
1. Complicated Grief Takes a Toll on Your Mental Health
One of the powerful reverberations of this persistent grief is deep-set emotions may get you thinking about irrational thoughts. It disrupts your day-to-day activities, makes small tasks look insurmountable, and can also surface thoughts about harming yourself.
Get help immediately if this is you.
2. Complicated Grief Begins as Normal Grief
Complicated grief starts just like normal grief where you face a rollercoaster of painful emotions. With time, as work through your grief, if the intensity of emotions doesn’t drop down or you are unable to learn to adapt to the changed reality, it has transitioned to complicated grief. This can be very difficult to deal with emotionally.
3. Complicated Grief Can Display Symptoms of PTSD
People who have gone through a harrowing experience such as a car accident or other violent death are often the victims of PTSD. The same can be said for complicated grief in some specific cases.
If you are already suffering from depression, anxiety disorder, or personality disorders when coping with the loss of a loved one, the chances increase for complicated grief to set in and show symptoms of PTSD. Additionally, the intensity of complicated grief also depends on how you cope with stress, trauma, and loss.
4. You May Get Hallucinatory Experiences
When you are going through complicated grief, it’s normal to feel that you see or hear the lost loved one. This is a common disease also to as “grief hallucinations.” So, if you’re also facing this emotion, you’re not alone. It’s an experience that many have. However, if it is happening to you, seeing a professional grief counselor can help you make sense of what’s going on.
5. Watch Out for Behavioral Changes
It’s very common to experience behavioral changes while coping with complicated grief. You might feel all normal one moment and suddenly, become reckless, taking chances with your body or health. Similarly, many people facing strong emotional grief become more impulsive and don’t stop themselves from indulging in dangerous situations and even, wishing/hoping to die.
Be aware of these behaviors and get professional help asap to avoid risking yourself.
6. Staying Healthy Helps
Lastly, it is important to take care of yourself at all times, especially when your mind and body are under heavy stress. One good way is to develop good habits. Plus, make sure you get enough rest, exercise, and keep in contact with your friends and family.
Also, eat nutritious food, quit smoking or drinking habits, and honor the loved one in whatever way you like. All these things are more important than ever at a time when you’re battling complicated grief. Speak to your funeral director at funeral homes Waite Hill, OH, for more help. Contact us today.